Capsules of LipoSan Ultra normally need to perform their proper functioning in about 1.5-2 hours. LipoSan Ultra Chitosan is helpful in enhancing the fat emulsion in stomach when reaches to small intestine and begins to gel it out 3 times more contrasting ordinary Chitosan. This improved medicinal product of Chitosan is more helpful in dissolving and removing more complex fats. In contrast, many of the other weight and cholesterol controlling products contain fibers with limited absorption capacity for fat as well as bile acids. Manufacturers of Chitosan Plus claimed that it has absorption capacity of five times more than its own weight for fat and cholesterol in human digestive system. Placebo controlled medical studies on Chitosan on 88 people has given the most favorable results about utilization of Chitosan. This double blind medical research showed that there was no significant increase in cholesterol level of people taking 1,000 mg of Chitosan 3 times in a day. These significant medical studies on Chitosan show that this chemically made substance is not fully capable of improving the cholesterol profile. Chitosan is nothing but just the most refined form of natural chitin, which is obtained from shells of crustaceans and shellfish. There are numerous biomedical applications associated with Chitosan. Now-a-days, liquid Chitosan is frequently used by people of different ages in order to lose their excess weight. Overweight people do not forget to take right dosage of this product mainly composed of Chitosan. The recommended dose of Natrol Chitosan is 3 capsules before each fat containing meal. Natrol is regularly broadening its perspective and scope by means of formulating and producing innovative Natrol Chitosan. He actually was performing search about mushrooms and he isolated something named as chitin after sometime. After about twenty years, another researcher revealed that it is also present in insects and some plants as well. The name chitin is derived from Greek word, i.e. tunic or envelope. The idea was further elaborated in 1843 by Lassaigne.
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