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There are already numerous studies showing the benefits of learning another language. In fact, starting young could even be better idea. According to studies at the Cornell Language Acquisition Lab (CLAL), teaching children another language would not create language confusion, language delay or even cognitive deficit. (I want a certain book.) Be careful in using UN or UNA when referring to occupation. The articles A or AN are required in English but are not used in Spanish. You say, NO SOY MARINERO, SOY CAPIT N. (I am not a mariner, I am a captain.) A definite article is usually used for days of the week (singular EL and plural LOS). With Spanish spoken in more than 21 countries worldwide, learning Spanish seems like a must. This is particularly true in the US and Canada which do business with many Latin American countries in the same hemisphere. Career opportunities For people fluent in both Spanish and English, opportunities abound and grow everyday due to the rapid expansion of Spanish-speaking populations. But if they don t, they don t easily give up, because they look forward to their ultimate reward: finally speaking Spanish fluently. If that is your motivation too, you will be able to overlook the troubles and see all the fun in learning. When you get right down to it, the major purpose for learning to speak Spanish is to be able to communicate better. have a great need for Spanish speaking personnel. The workers that are needed most are nurses, social workers, teachers, sales and marketing people, translators, and many more. In the international front, Spanish-speaking people have opportunities lined up for them mostly in the trade and business areas. The good news is that online education has become a huge part of learning whether it is for earning college degrees, post-graduate degrees and even language-learning programs. Online education is suitable for a lot of students because they are less-expensive compared with face-to-face sessions and at the same time, flexible enough to suit the needs and time of the students. 

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