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Learn how to say the letters and sounds in Spanish

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Presently, learning can be done anywhere the learner feels comfortable with. Because of the technological advancement, learning methods and set-ups have been significantly improved to meet the varying needs and demands of individual learners. And this same technological advancement resulted in the following situations, which altogether make learning Spanish today very timely: 1. Likewise, both Spanish and English have the same Indo-European ancestry that is shared in the similarity of their grammars. Better understanding of the moods and tenses of English verbs can be had by learning how these verbs are used in Spanish. The study of Spanish actually forces one to reflect on how the English language is structured. In the international front, Spanish-speaking people have opportunities lined up for them mostly in the trade and business areas. The other choices include Foreign Service and diplomacy, interpretation and security applications which all need proficiency in another language. This also applies in other professions in science, medicine, law and others with specialized vocabularies. Staying competitive today means learning more about other cultures and being able to interact with them. Business opportunities Today, Latin America as a region is expanding their economies, and as such they become more and more important trading partners. Business between the U.S. and these countries are getting more and more upbeat, making the Spanish language an important asset for the American businessman. These tools can be used by beginners, intermediate and advanced learners. Language-learning Software Language-learning software is often recommended to those who are interested in learning on their own time. Unfortunately, this is not suitable for those who lack self-discipline since this would just require the learner to take the course according to the time he allots on learning. If, however, you can t find that opportunity locally, there is always the possibility of going past geographical borders and making friends with Spanish-speaking people, albeit online. The thing is, wherever you are, Spanish will most likely be useful in many occasions. 2. You get to be more competent. 

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