Indeed, behavior problems that lead to mental disorders occur when people habitually put their own desires before the demands of the society. One of the severe conditions that behavior problems can lead to is bipolar disorder. Known as "manic depression," bipolar disorder is considered as a serious illness characterized by dangerous and risky behavior that can lead to destruction of relationships and devastated careers. In the United States alone, statistics shows that about 15 percent of American teenagers suffer from major depression that lead to behavioral problems afterwards. These depression attacks which are usually characterized by repeated, recurrent and prolong periods of mood changes are known to lead to significant academic and social impairments and even to suicide-the second leading cause of death in teenagers today. The four major symptoms are the following: aggressive conduct, deceitfulness, destructive conduct, and rule-breaking. Aggression includes bullying, fights, forcing people, intimidating others, and such. Deceit may refer to thieving, lying, and delinquency. Other mischievous attitude, playing pranks, and truancy are all under the Rule Violation section. As with other phobia, an event which may have happened during childhood or adolescence may have triggered this intense fear towards social interactions. Being nervous is normal to people, especially when facing strangers or interacting with a large group of people. However, if one feels anxious or scared of any form of contact with others, but seem fine on their own, then this may already be a case of Social Phobia. The Advantage of Cognitive Therapy for Depression and Related Behavior Problems Depression is a serious mental illness that is characterized by a strong feeling of guilt, fear, sadness, anxiety and extreme loss of self-esteem. As such, the condition is mental because the period of depression lasts longer for clinically depressed patients, compared to normal people who undergo a period of depression only for a short time. Death of a parent, family member, close friend or loss of house and property are something which could cause a person to feel frustrated, angry, insecure and be afraid. There are children who would not show immediate response to loss, but would eventually develop agitated attitude as an outlet of their emotions.
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