By the time they reached 10 years old, the percentage is just 5%. About 2-3% of children bedwetters, wet their bed due to medical conditions and problems. Bed wetting could be a result of diseases, small bladder, food allergies, hormonal imbalances, sleep apnea, constipation, social changes and stress. According to the National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke (NINDS), Asperger s is a pervasive developmental disorder characterized by an inability to understand how to interact socially. AS can be noticed during childhood, and is characterized by peculiar behavior, social isolation, strange way of speaking, aggression, clumsiness and poor motor skills, and a fixation for a certain area of interest, disregarding all other topics and age-appropriate subject matter. Today, many experts have realized that there is one effective way to help children veer away from the possible development of behavior problems this is by giving the child a pet companion. Experts agree that pets specifically dogs are effective companions that can bring physical and emotional benefits especially to young kids. Avoid hitting and spanking the child as this may be misinterpreted by the child as the proper way to deal with stress and mood swings. Physical abuse will only exacerbate the problem and will not help you in dealing with your child. In severe occasions, a child with this behavioral problem won t listen to you. If a child is behaving out of his normal behavior and would make serious offences even though they know the rules inside the house, school or community, you could start wondering if it is just part of being rebellious because of their age. If s/he continues to show the behavior even after a few months, then it may be more that curiosity and mischief. Most people who have undergone unhealthy ways of dieting also tend to binge-eat afterwards, hence the yoyo effect mentioned earlier. Harmful dieting includes skipping meals, over-exercising, and starvation. Several studies have shown that people who are having trouble controlling their emotions are more prone to binge eating than others.
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