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Are floating solar farms the future of clean energy? - BBC News

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You can also look for private sellers and online companies on the internet. Make sure you read the company background and objectives so that you can fully understand the processes and types. The prices of resources will differ, depending on your setup, the materials you want and the brand. You should get to know your source more. The rate of heat transfer is proportional to the difference in temperature. The bigger the difference in temperature between the items, the heat movement will be faster. Heat Movement Assessment It is important that people know more about the movement of heat to full appreciate solar thermal energy. Passive solar energy applications use a lot of heat movement. Working fluid is also heated in all the systems using concentrated sunlight, which is then applied for storing or generating power and energy. The Parabolic Trough A parabolic trough is created from of linear reflector that concentrates light right onto a receiver, placed along the focal line of the reflector. This actually played a role in their ability to produce a good growing condition for plants. Solar Hot Water Heater Prototype Unknown to a lot of people, but the original prototype for solar hot water heaters is actually a result of do-it-yourself projects of people in their hopes to be able to boil water, and keeping the water hot for a longer period of time. The primary advantage of this kind of system is the cheap price of utility. The system needs to be wired with an inverter that creates pure-sine-wave AC electricity, which is needed for linking to the utility grid. Another benefit of this electric system type is the tax incentives. There are also rebates provided depending on the local agency and the state. The flow of solar energy electricity is measured via a utility meter that spins forward and backward. The meter will move backward if more energy is produced than needed and the meter will move forward when extra power is required from the utility company. The two are only even when additional energy is paid for from the utility company. 

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