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5 Years with Solar Panels - Is It Still Worth It?

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The sun is known produce solar energy that is over 10,000 the energy that our planet could produce. This means that there is no real shortage on viable solar energy that you can use in the future. However, how you apply solar energy could affect how much energy and electric power you consume. Problems of Solar Energy One of the challenges that solar energy needs to hurdle for the future is the problem of space. Solar power can render several benefits for the long term. You can take advantage of the features by choosing the right type and maximizing the effect right in your own home. About Solar Solar power is described as the creation of electricity straight from the sun. The generation can be direct with the use of PV or photovoltaics or indirect via CSP or concentrating solar power. Off-grid living means residing in a location where the main electric utility grid does not service your home or office. There are remote cabins and homes that can benefit from solar power systems. It is no longer needed to pay huge bills to install electric utility posts and cabling from the nearest grid access main point. Starting Out First, cut a couple of rectangular copper sheets. Each should be about the size of a stove burner. Wash a piece of the copper throughout, then use the sandpaper to take off any presence of corrosion. Lay the copper sheet on the burner. Turn the burner on to maximum heat. Watch the copper very well. Passive Solar Heating Passive solar heating belongs to the category of solar space heating. The heating process can be done by orienting the home well so that most of the windows face to the south. The windows should be sized properly too, so that optimal heat gain will be attained. The home has to be insulated to reduce loss of heat. The energy provided by the sun is readily available and free. Oil prices continue to increase every week. The materials and tools needed to acquire oil are also becoming expensive. Easy Installation You can expect to have your own solar panels in just a matter of hours or days. Allocate one day to construct and install your solar cell panels. 

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