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Cash Budget | Explained With Full Example | Cost Accounting

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You should always pay yourself first before spending money on anything. This means that you should always create a part of your household budget into savings. Every pay check, take 5 to 10% of your household income into your savings account and do not touch it. This way your savings account will be well enough to support you in handling financial emergencies. For children (how and when parents should teach them about budgeting money) Budgeting money should be taught to kids as soon as possible. They do not automatically become financially responsible. You can start discussing on budgeting money on an ongoing basis. Children ages five to six years old can already understand this issue. Such would include money, time, equipment, and space in order to accomplish a certain task. In effect, they are dollars-and-cents representations of plans for the production of meaningful results during the upcoming year or period of time. A budget keeps track of money coming in and money going out. Most often than not, people pay utility bills and buy luxurious items before they a realization that there is no room to save money for other necessary expenses anymore. Surely, budgeting and forecasting enable a company to monitor progress towards goals, control spending, and predict cash flow and profit, as well as improving its ability to respond quickly to competition. Keep in mind that budgeting is not an exercise in frugality. It is about planning ahead and keeping a good balance in finances. Your business opportunities improve with the use of budget, a powerful tool, which can assist you in achieving your financial goals. A well-designed budget helps you. It is a much-needed forecast of all sources and cash expenditures for any business venture. There is a need to create a budget to greatly enhance your chances of success by helping you estimate future needs and plan profits, spending and overall cash flow. This will help make budgeting and managing your debt easier. If you think you're drowning with the amount of your monthly amortization, say for your mortgage, ask for debt restructuring. Have it stretched to suit your budget. Although you may pay for the mortgage in a longer period of time, the debt restructuring allows you to pay the amortization on time and save on interest for late payments or worse, repossession of your property. 

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