If you must carry a check, then just bring one or two blank checks in your wallet. There have been many reported cases of identity number theft stemming from stolen check books. 4. Have your Social Security Number memorized so you wouldn t have to carry your SS card with you always. Carrying your SS card all of the time increases the risk of it being lost or stolen. While no one can totally prevent this crime from occurring, here are some tips that can help you decrease your risk. Check your credit reports once a year from all three of the credit reporting agencies listed below. Guard your Social Security number. When possible, don t carry your Social Security card with you. Now imagine this-you are hounded by credit collectors for purchases you have not made, or worse-you are wrongfully apprehended for a crime you most certainly did not commit. How did this happen? Your personal information and sensitive numbers were never physically separated from you. Unfortunately, carelessly giving away your social security number or other sensitive information may put you at risk for identity theft. It is not easy, for the authorities at times will not listen. Going to agencies to get solutions entails a lot of expense. A victim will be entangled into questions of how, what, who, and where to get thru your complaint, or report. Get proper forms of applications of your complaint at the proper government agency. And because your billing statements are being sent to a different address, it may take some time before you become aware that someone is using your card. Criminals may also be able to open up new accounts on your name and use it without paying the bills. You will realize this as a problem when the delinquent accounts turn up on your credit report. The mightiest business tycoon down to the lowest ranking employee in a corporation, company, or any enterprise owns a kind of identity number attached to his being member to any social security group, or kind of financial management for use in billings, daily expenditures, and savings. It maybe, identification number on social security, insurance, banks, or anything that could be a means to access individual cash settings, or safekeeping.
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