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Yes, truffles are known all over the world not only as fungi, but also as an exquisite delicacy that s meant to be savored along with other gourmet dishes. You can tell that a mushroom is a truffle if it has a thick, rough, and wrinkled outer skin. It is usually black, white, or brown, depending on its variety. Truffles with pungent flavor such as winter varieties can be stored in whole eggs or uncooked rice that can absorb excess flavor. If you want to freeze the truffles, you can keep them in olive oil before doing that. Make sure that the truffles are 100% covered in oil. This storage method will prevent freezer burn and capture the aroma of the truffle into the oil, hence the truffle aroma. Most chefs use the French Black Truffle because its blue-black colored exterior which is very refreshing in various dishes. Ripe or matured French Black Truffles with brown-black color are used in specialty dishes because it its earthy and pungent smell. - the Italian white truffle or Tuber magnatum which is commonly found in Piedmont in Italy. In each type, there are variations in sizes, colors, shapes, textures which can either be smooth or wrinkled and even in taste. Usually, the taste of truffles is greatly compared to garlic mixed an earthiness flavor. It tastes like mushroom only made more pungent with the aroma of garlic. In the field of culinary, truffles are usually served raw. Know that laws the govern truffle collection in your area You can t just head over to the forest and go on with your truffle collection adventure without knowing first if it is allowed in your area. For example, truffle hunters have to take a test and get license first before they can collect truffles. During these seasons, Black Truffles grow at their best ranging from 7 to 9 centimeters in diameter and could weigh from 80 grams to 100. Because of the rarity of this mushroom, the production of Black Truffles has been made almost exclusively in the European countries. Black truffles are sold for about 1,000 per kilo when bought in the farmer's market. 

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