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This Oil Painting Technique is a GAME CHANGER!

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Airbrush Bodyart's starter kit runs around $293. Individually all the same products that you get in the kit, would run you around $346. If you want to step your airbrush kit up then Airbrush Bodyart offers a professional kit. This kit includes a 4 outlet air manifold, 4 single action ABA airbrushes, 12 glass airbrush bottles, 4 air hoses, 10 60ml of airbrush art tattoo inks in white, blue, red, yellow, violet, fuchsia, green, fluorescent green, fluorescent yellow and fluorescent blue and 1 120ml of black airbrush tattoo ink. These of course are just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to publications that have featured her work. Shanteau does not just create brilliant airbrush art, she also teaches others how to create the same high quality airbrush art that she herself creates. In February of 2002 she released the book, The Ultimate Airbrush Handbook. Airbrush Art-Taking Care of Your Airbrush One of the main things that you need to know how to do with airbrush art is how to take care of your equipment. Keeping your equipment in proper working order and clean will save you a lot of money and hassles. Equipment that is not kept clean and properly cared for will break down more often. No need to buy additional colors. The only thing you need to be doing is experimenting with the airbrush. Get used to how it works and feels in your hand. Practice spraying the airbrush at your cheap surface while you learn just what pressure is needed where. If you are using a double action airbrush you should be experimenting to see how far back gives you how much paint spray. When looking at what airbrushing does when used to apply makeup, a lot of people do believe that this is a form of airbrush art. When make up is airbrushed on the effects of what it does to the subject can be really drastic. Take a woman who has flawed skin and airbrush a light foundation onto her face and you now have a woman with perfect skin. These are advanced techniques and will take you as an artist to the next level of airbrush art. Another way an artist can learn micro airbrushing is to work directly with an expert. Take on a workshop that teaches micro airbrushing and you can learn with some hands on projects under the supervision of an expert. 

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