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A Look At Airbrush Art Workshops Learning airbrush art from books and videos can only take you so far with your art. To take things to the next level and gain some insight straight from an expert, then enroll in an airbrush art workshop. Airbrush art workshops are offered around the world by many expert artists who will show you up close and personal how to create art like a pro. A lot of these websites offer a gallery that artist can upload images of their work onto for free. This gets you seen by the webmaster of the site as well as other artists. Your work will be put up there for the sites traffic to see and thus getting you known in the industry. Take the time to submit several pictures of your work to several website airbrush art galleries. Cooped up in a studio too long, then go out to the park and open your eyes to everything that you see. Derive inspiration from various sights around you and incorporate them into one great piece of art. See two kids on a seesaw at the park? Turn those two kids into angels on a seesaw cloud in the sky. This is where airbrushing started showing up in the more modern world in the form of art. In the 1940 Walt Disney would show the world a new use for airbrush art. Walt Disney would take airbrush art to the animated screen. The backgrounds for Walt Disney's animated movies were created using airbrushing. The main key is learning how to control the airbrush gun so that you can get the paint only where you want it and not overcast the paint where you do not want it. Once you master that then your options are endless with the vast array of stencils out there. A bottom feed or siphon feed airbrush works best when putting airbrush art onto a t-shirt. Thus like the needle you will be unable to create desirable airbrush art. Both the needle, air cap and head assembly can be purchased at almost any craft or hobby shop that sells airbrushes and airbrush parts. The airbrush trigger is what allows you to actually operate the airbrush. In a single action airbrush the trigger controls the air flow. 

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