Spiritual Science As Applied To Medicine Spiritual Science as applied to medicine is widely known as Anthroposophical medicine, and is being used by many physicians all over the world - more frequently in certain parts of Europe and North America. This methodology in medicine draws its practices and knowledge from the teachings of Rudolph Steiner, a founder and philosopher, who has founded the school of Anthroposophy. One of the compelling facts of Spiritual Science is that it utilizes many schools of thought that have a foothold on both spiritual and scientific discourse, and the combination thereof, such as metaphysics, chemistry, the social sciences, arts, literature and many others. Its practicality in the ever-changing world and emphasis on progress to a multitude of human endeavors, make it all the more beneficial to humankind. With a developed spirituality within us, it can therefore be much easier for us to ignore materialistic fantasies and desires and stresses coming from the busy and hectic demands of the world. What is more, when we have finally obtained a developed spirituality, it only means that we have freed ourselves from becoming victims of the negative energies that surround us. Such a characteristic that primarily describes more than half of the nation, it is therefore important to take action before people destroy one another for the sole benefit of becoming much richer, much more successful or much more beautiful. These people have to realize that all of the possessions and pleasures in life are only temporary which they can never bring with them when they pass away. Their messages are the foundations from which societies based their civility, morality and laws that have guided us, without which would have made it impossible for humanity to survive. Often, their lives are the epitome of sacrifices and the world responded many times with ridicule. They plodded on nonetheless and we are what we are now, enjoying what we have now, because they dared to show us the path to a better life and better relationships and to led us to acknowledge powers that are far greater than any of us could imagine. Clearly now, the concept and an attitude like spirituality is not something to be done only once but it is something to be achieved for a lifetime. It is important that you, being a person with a keen sense of spirituality, do not forget about it and instead practise it as often as possible. That way, you will surely receive the benefits associated with a high spiritual living.
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