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Spiritual Awakening: 8 Mind-Blowing PHYSICAL Symptoms

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They feel that everything upon them is all negative and that there is much more to come their way. If a person feels this way, then perhaps it is time that he acknowledges the spiritual power of gratitude and lays it upon other people in order to restore the positivism around his surroundings. Valuing People Around You And another important aspect of gratitude is valuing that or showing appreciation to all those people who surround you and support you through thick and thin; through all your ups and downs. It directs life to how we should become. It also limits it when we choose to. The first freedom is to choose to free the thoughts from limitations. Then other processes set in. Rene Descartes would not have said it any better "I think therefore I am". Speech Words are very powerful. Speech follows whatever we think. One of the compelling facts of Spiritual Science is that it utilizes many schools of thought that have a foothold on both spiritual and scientific discourse, and the combination thereof, such as metaphysics, chemistry, the social sciences, arts, literature and many others. Its practicality in the ever-changing world and emphasis on progress to a multitude of human endeavors, make it all the more beneficial to humankind. Having such free will means that in every situation we are in, it is vital that we find some choices on how we should respond to such a situation. We can therefore have either a positive or a negative response; it totally depends on how we react to circumstances. It is when you believe in the spiritual relationship that you are in, that you will know what your choice will be. These simple things include the concept of spiritual medicine wherein people can truly feel saved and protected from the temptations and evils in the world. With the term spiritual, it is simply saying that we are openly bringing ourselves to our faith to God and restoring our bodies in their spiritual state. Focusing on the good things in your life is focusing on the achievements that you otherwise would not have made. Focusing on positive things also relieves the mind of anger that have always resulted to having less or not being contented that results to greed which is more deadly. Gratefulness relaxes the mind. 

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