They clean much easier and faster than soft lenses, and they will last you longer as well. For a lot of contact lenses users, gas permeable lenses are the preferred way to go. If you wear GP lenses or looking to wear them, you ll need to keep a re-wetting solution or saline drops with you just in case they start to get dry. The one thing that hard and soft contact lenses have in common, is the fact that you must wash your hands before you handle either of them. You should always wash your hands with soap and water before you handle your hard lenses. Antibacterial soap is the best soap to use, as it will thoroughly clean your hands and it doesn t contain any type of fragrance. Putting In And Removing Contact Lenses If you are new to contact lenses, there are 2 things that you will need to overcome - putting your contacts in and taking them out. Even though you may have got in some practice with your doctor during your fitting exam, you ll find things to be totally different once you step in front of your mirror at home and try to do it by yourself. These contacts contain a special agent for re-wetting purposes, which enables the contact lens to remain moist, even if your eyes aren t producing enough tears. They are daily wear contacts, and should be soaked in solution at night and replaced every two weeks or so. Even though dry eyes are very common, you can always help to rectify the situation by using right pair of contacts. Soft contacts can have either a low, which is less than 50 percent moisture, or a high moisture content, which is more than 50 percent. Rigid or hard contacts on the other hand, are much harder in material and are considered to be gas permeable. Wearing schedules Hard contact lenses can last for months, possibly even years before they need to be replaced. They don t have any protein buildup, which eliminates the need for cleaning along with any damage to your eyes. Another great thing about 1 day contact lenses is that they are flexible and great for special occasions or occasional use. There is no need to worry about anything with these lenses, for the simple fact that you ll get a pair for each new day.
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