Setting And Achieving Goals: Two Part Process Setting and achieving goals are two sides of the spectrum; yet they are both needed if your life is to have a purpose and meaning. The first step Setting your goal will be the first step. It is when you clarify, list down, and construct the step-by-step process on how to achieve your dreams. Realistic Employee goals should also be made realistic by infusing concept of practicality, achievability and possibility. Just like how employee goals are made achievable, they should also be made realistic so the attainable ends would be realized by the completion or realization of the employee goal. If you ll notice, ATTAINABLE is closely related with being specific and measurable. Any goal that is not measurable and specific can never be attained. How would you know that your goals are attainable? Easy. If the financial component of your project, plan, or goal, is larger than the source of your finance, then there is problem. For instance, you have to attain a specific standard of expertise with your chosen field of profession, then you'll need to undergo extensive training to develop the part of your academic field that is wanting. Extensive because, usually, goal setting during this period, is really an effort to race against time; to compensate for the lost opportunities earlier and to set a professional goal. Simple tips But no matter how hard the task of setting life goals can be, and actually doing measures to achieve these goals, setting and attempting to achieve life goals can be made easier by adhering to the following simple guidelines and tips. Start with the personal goals. Set a personal lifetime goal. The performance of these people, moreover, can be very beneficial to you. Their experiences might shed some light on things that continue to baffle you in the first place. Your colleagues experiences in the workplace can be a rich source of knowledge in terms of performance assessment. Of course, you will not poke into their private lives even in informal talks, or even in jest, as they may reveal some development on their personal career.
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