The first step is the polishing of the teeth with the use of the pumice. The polishing action is important as this will remove the plaque and dirt found at the surface of the teeth. The mouth will then be isolated with the use of the gauze. This is a necessary step so that the teeth will be dry for the rest of the procedure. In cases such as this, the dentist may recommend a home bleaching kit and recommend other alternatives to peroxide bleaching or an intensive home bleaching program. Recommending crowns, veneers and bonds may also be considered. The teeth tend to become more transparent as it ages. This is particularly apparent with the front teeth as it is the thinnest in the set. The whitening solutions may get into the decaying part of the teeth and this can result to sensitive teeth. If you have filling, crowns and restorations then it is not encourage that you try these teeth whitening procedures. The reason for this is that the whitening agents will not act on these. And if it does, then there will be uneven whitening on the teeth. And everyone can even increase the chance of being in the safe side if they can shop for the whitening tooth paste that is approved by the American Dental Association. And if you are one of those who will try this product for the first time due to its efficacy and safety, there are some things to note and to remember. That's tough, especially if you are the kind of person who puts a premium on the way you look and the way people look at you. But this should not be the end of the world for you. There are answers. And the answers to your problems are teeth whitening solutions that come in many forms and prices. We consider all these options available for you, and we check their differences and the benefits that can be delivered to you. While companies are aiming to give superior results every time and is continuously working at providing such, customers could sometimes fall on the side the unsatisfied. When using teeth whitening plastic strips therefore, the person has to lower the expectation. Realistically, plastic strips are designed as a do-it-yourself-at-home remedy.
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