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Whiten Your Teeth at Home for Just Pennies! Dr. Mandell

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When it is just a simple teeth bleaching program, especially with those who have yellowed teeth only, other alternatives works just a fine. One of the primary considerations aside from time is the cost. While over the counter whitening strips would only cost around $100, in-office whitening averages $650 upwards and take home trays around $400. Teeth Whitening Advantages Of Over-the-Counter Teeth Whitening The main advantage of using over the counter whitening is the cost. A price that ranges between $10 to $35 against supervised tooth whitening that costs from $600 to $1000 and in some cases, beyond the K mark is indeed attractive not to mention the same teeth whitening results. As a person grows older, the teeth darken in shade, no matter how healthy and no matter how clean. But a clean white and shiny teeth is so important, very much so that even in ancient times royalties and people who can afford it applies whitening powder to their teeth even when it has proven to accelerate teeth rotting. If the pre-check reveals no problems, then the person will be up for the procedures related to teeth whitening. If you are willing to undergo this kind of specific procedure, keep in mind that the approved method is through the use of the blue-spectrum light. If the budget is not enough to cover the professional whitening sessions, then the option is to go for the home bleaching kit. Teeth whitening strips are very flexible, very easy to use thin strips of plastic coated with bleaching agents that stick to the teeth. It comes in pairs designed for the upper and the lower teeth configuration and is applied in areas where the teeth are visible as the person smiles. Unlike other teeth whiteners, the whitening is only on the aesthetic area and like all whitening products; it is kept in the mouth for a period of time. While the darkening of the teeth as it ages is mainly due to the changes in the teeth's mineral structure, the enamel at the same time gets less porous and less shiny making it more susceptible to stains from bacterial pigments, medication, tobacco, wine, coffee, tea and food. No matter how good the hygiene of a person is, the teeth simply ages. 

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