What basically it does though is change the color of the teeth superficially. Not all teeth discoloration is superficial. The teeth could be stained from the inside that will show on the outside that will not go away no matter the strips, gels, whitening pastes, bleaching pens and gurgles done. For example, blood that has leeched inside a tooth will discolor it. Intrinsic stains are caused by the natural process of aging, trauma to the tooth, exposure to drugs containing tetracycline and flourosis. Other factor that stains the teeth is grinding. Grinding often attributed to stress accelerates micro cracking of the tooth enamel that will hold tiny debris to be accumulated. Another reason for its popular use is that while the strips are thin, usual bleaching trays are bulky that could aggravate jaw problems, trigger gag reflex and messier to wear and remove. These differences allow a person to do much of the normal activities with less interference. Still like most everything, there is a downside to teeth whitening strips. Now did you know that the efficacy of the bleaching will depend on the amount of peroxide used in the toothpaste? And will also depend on the time used in contact with the teeth? The products that you can get normally from the supermarket will contain around 10 percent peroxide. And the pastes used professionally may contain up to 43 percent peroxide content. Majority of these stains that can be removed by the paste include stains made by drinking coffee or by smoking. The paste can be used as well in the bleaching and at the same time best used when maintaining that shiny white teeth. But be reminded that this product will not work to change the natural color of the teeth that has been overly exposed to the fluoride during its development. Professional Laser Teeth Whitening Services Dissected Having yellow teeth is no longer a problem, well at least according to many dental practitioners. There are a number of professional cleaning and teeth whitening services, and it's now easy for you to change from that person with yellow teeth to that person with shiny white set of teeth.
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