If you need it for preparing the entire meals, a microwave with lots of features and functions such as with one-touch cooking and pre-programmed menus options, is necessary. On the other hand, if it will be used only for reheating, defrosting, or melting foods, a basic microwave will suffice. 600 or 1200 Wattage Options? Roasting chicken, browning sandwiches, baking rolls and pastries, cooking pasta and pizzas, steaming fish, this microwave is very functional. You will never need another appliance when as far as cooking or preparing foods is concerned. It is also very user friendly, albeit you need to handle it with care, as what you would with other kitchen appliances. If you have tried cooking a big chunk of meat using a microwave before, you might have noticed that the full effect of the cooking can reach a depth of about one inch inward. Boiling Water In A Microwave Causes Explosions: Fact Boiling water in a microwave can elicit an explosion if left alone for too long. Medium capacity microwaves come with a width of 20 inches or more and with capacities of 1 1.5 cubic feet. Such type usually has auto-cook features that are not common in compact units. Large capacity microwaves, on the other hand, come with a plethora of cook features plus more accurate temperature controls. In a convection microwave oven, there is a fan that blows hot air to ensure heat is dispensed evenly. Conventional Ovens Almost all American kitchens have modern conventional ovens. This is in fact the most common type of oven for household use and it is utilized by most Americans not just to heat but also to cook their meals, desserts, and other types of food. If you are running late, you can simply push on the automatic function keypads and your food can be re-heated in a matter of minutes. When cooking without oil, anything is also possible. All of these are done because of this high technology innovation. Have you ever imagined your life without a microwave?
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