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Apart from the breed, there are other considerations you must think about when taking care of beef cows. First, you need to feed your cows with the right amount of food. Provide them with clean water to prevent them from getting dehydrated. Make sure that they get enough nourishment. Over time, taking good care of your beef cows will give you monetary rewards. Horses have been highly regarded as animals; thus, the measures in raising them are far better and more tedious than the methods in raising cattle, sheep, and other livestock animals. Horses have different needs than other animals. Their shelters should be appropriately constructed, they should be fed with the right mix of food, and they should be given ample space to move around. Raising animals is called animal husbandry and it is a vital part of modern agriculture. It has been practiced in many cultures since the changeover to farming from hunter-gather lifestyles. Raising animals has its origins in the shifting of cultures to settled farming communities rather than hunter-gatherer lifestyles. According to studies, this horse breed originates from the Iberian peninsula of Spain, which is perfect for raising livestock because of its ideal environment, natural resources, and responsible citizenry. As a pure breed, it is estimated that about 80% of all Andalusian horses are grey in color. Some Andalusians also come in chestnut, black and bay colors. In 1940s, South Africa became the world's fourth largest exporter of wool and has maintained to be one of the world's top ten wool producers. South Africa produces about 100,000 tons in most years. Around 50 percent of South Africa s sheep are fine-woolled Merinos. Its sheep farming is concentrated in the Northern and Eastern Cape, Western Cape, Free State and Mpumalanga. Rabbits Rabbits are mostly raised as pets, but some are for the meat and fiber they provide. If you want to make profit out of raising bunnies, you must be able to find buyers of meat rabbits. 6. Goats Did you know that 70% of people around the world consume goat meat on a regular basis? Yes, goats make a profitable livestock option because of the large demand and market for it. 

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