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Organic Gardening Basics - Week 1 of 4

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When we compare the good sides of inorganic plant food to its natural counterpart we can notice that chemical fertilisers contain exactly what the soil needs, namely potassium, nitrogen and phosphorus. Natural plant food does not always have all the elements and if it has them it will be in very small quantities. Now that they have finally agreed to "feed" their plants better, the dilemma that has arisen is what kind of plant food to use. Some farmers agree that the best plant food to give to their plants is the inorganic fertiliser. They claim so because inorganic plant food has the ability to boost the plants' growth significantly and because they get faster results. Another popular product used among gardeners is alga. It seems that water-related products do have a beneficial effect on plants. Algae concentrates are a good unprocessed plant food because they contain everything the plant needs to develop in a healthy and strong way. Apart from fish coating and algae concentrates, gardeners often use plant food made of decapods exoskeleton. This product encourages the creation of more microbes that are vital for the development of plants. The second product they started to manufacture was Phyta-grow, which is sold as a natural plant food enhancer that will make your plants grow nonstop. This product is made of horse dung, blood aliment, bone meal and rock phosphate. What's more, natural plant food will not only help the development of your grass but it will also protect the ground because it will make it less silty. Natural plant food is also beneficial if you want to boost the protection of the plants and grass against any illness that might affect them and it is a perfect ally when you need to ameliorate H2O percolation. The other way of using a fluid plant food is by pouring it directly onto the ground. Remember that the fluid you use in case is exactly the same, however, the effectiveness of the pouring method is less noticeable and you may need a lot more applications before you see any results. Types of fluid plant food The natural plant food market segment is full of options to help agriculturists improve their crops. 

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