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Farmers turning to greener plant food alternatives In the last few years, there has been an increasing interest in the environment. Everything is environmentally friendly, and we are all starting to be more conscious about the consequences our actions have on the world. This is the reason why many farmers have decided to start using natural plant food, in particular farm plant food. As consequence, government agencies have created projects to promote the production of natural plant food for commercial purposes. Desired features of commercial plant food When you purchase natural plant food in stores you need to read the labels very careful. The label should include a list of ingredients and the amount of each of them contained in the plant food. Natural plant food products can fit four classes: flora, fauna, chemical and decayed natural waste matter. - Flora plant food: this kind of plant food has an important amount of substances with good storage levels. As flora natural plant food is made from natural components this is a resource that can be renewed. Leaves waste matter- Pros This kind of natural plant food can be sprinkled over the plant or it can be directly poured into the ground producing great results for gardeners and big producers alike. One of the main advantages of leaves waste matter is that it can boost the natural absorbing capability of the ground. If you know what components are used to make that plant food you are buying it will be easier to stay away from those products that are not natural. Plants need three basis substances to develop. The substances are nitrogen, potassium and phosphorus and almost all natural products contain them. In case you want to grow roses, the plant food you buy should be made of fodder aliment. The first thing you need to know is that there are two types of plant food namely natural and inorganic. In order to understand how important this issue is we need to clarify some concepts. - Natural Plant Food Compost is what many people know as decomposed plant and animal matter that can be used to fertilise, and condition the soil and it is also a natural pesticide. 

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