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Essential Hydroponics Gardening Tips for Optimal Growth

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Hydroponics is proven to have several advantages over regular soil gardening. The growth rate on a hydroponic plant is 30 to 50% faster than a soil plant that was grown under the same conditions. The yield of the plant is also greater. There are many reasons for the drastic differences between hydroponic and soil plants. Burning hydrocarbon fuels, the use of dry ice, fermentation, decomposition of organic matter and the use of compressed bottled carbon dioxide can create the correct atmosphere for your plants to grow in. The temperature that you grow your plants in is also very important for their survival. If it is too humid for your plants the increase in respiration of the plant will decrease fruit life. Hydroponics has always been an ecologically sound gardening choice. It uses much less water than conventional gardening and does not erode the soil or add toxins to the environment. Soluble nutrient formulas are re-circulated and used by the plants’ roots, which helps eliminate environmental waste. General plants prefer the pH to stay in the 5.5 to 7.5 ranges as going beyond this range inhibits certain nutrients to become less available for the plant to absorb. The key is to monitor the nutrient solutions on a regular basis to make sure the pH is at the right level. Hydroponics is the practice of growing plants without soil as hydroponics cultivates plants in nutrient-rich water. Plants grown in hydroponics are usually healthier than soil grown plant, because hydroponic plants are fed their exact nutritional requirements. The natural preventive measures against spider mites are used in most hydroponics systems. Many hydroponic gardeners use a method of natural prevention called “companion planting. Traditional farmers and eager hobbyists began to be attracted to the virtues of hydroponic growing. Some of the positive aspects of hydroponics include the ability to produce higher yields than soil-based agriculture and they allow food to be grown and consumed in areas of the world that cannot support crops in the soil. 

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