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Maker's Monday: Spinning to Weave how to spin good yarn

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Tie the end of the colored string to the final base string found on the side where you ended, then start the entire process again, using a new color and beginning from this position. Keep at the process until you have finished the pattern completely, then start the patterna gain. A good example is finishing 5 rows of green string, 5 rows of yellow string, five lines of red string, then 5 rows of white string. You should feel very confident and comfortable in your spinning position as you work. The treadle should be quiet, and the bobbins easy to manage. You can upgrade some types of spinning wheels as you progress in your work and skills. You can also purchase a whorl or fast flyer for high speed spinning. The fiber will be held by the left hand while the wheel is slowly turned with the control of the right hand. According to expert seamstress, the fiber should be held at a particular slight angle to the spindle so that there is a wonderful and noticeable twist. After spinning the yarn, it should be wound right onto the spindle by moving the fiber like as if forming a right angular shape with the spindle. Here are some tips. To Begin Visit your local craft shop that offers wooden products and other accessories. Purchase a wooden car wheel measuring about 2 to 3 inches in diameter, which will become the whorl part of the spindle. The wheel should already have been drilled with a hole in the very middle which prevents the spindle from wobbling once it spins. Wool directly from sheep If the wool comes directly from the sheep, they will have to wash the fleece first before anything else. Afterwards, the fleece should be checked for some short guard hairs because any fiber that is shorter than one inch will not look good after being spun. Thus, the best way is to remove these short and useless fibers and discard of them completely. Without the help of those who were part of this discovery, this great art may not have been known as the great art it is known for today. The teachers According to the natives of Navajo, a deity they revered as the Spider Woman was the one responsible for teaching them how to weave. Moreover, they said that the first loom in their area was from the sky and that the tools used for the weaving process were crystal, sunlight, shells, and lightning. 

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