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Keeping Chickens for Beginners | My Daily Routine | UK

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Normally though they do not peck their own eggs but when it starts and nothing is done to keep them from doing it, they would develop the taste of the eggs and the habit could form. To prevent chickens from eating their eggs, try the following. Feed your chicken grits. Grits are purchased in your local farm supply store or you could make your own. To insure cleanliness and prevent the chicks from diseases, remove the top sheets of the newspapers every day. The chicks will also need a heat lamp. A good way to do this is to hang a 60-watt light bulb near a corner of the box about eighteen inches from the chicks. If the lamp is lower than that, cover the lamp with a piece of cloth to control temperature. The roost should also be wide enough so that the chickens' feathers can cover the toes and be able to provide warmth into them. Combs and wattles on chickens can be a big problem since extreme coldness can cause frostbites. Rubbing Vasoline regularly can be a big help to alleviate this particular problem. Chicken may be very low maintenance birds but they have survived longer than us and their population is several hundred folds over ours. True they are prone to diseases and pests but their population is a testament that chickens are survivors. More so with hands that care. Chicken will eat just about anything. In Urban areas that used to be a farming community, the ordinances are more relaxed. Either way, keeping chicken in the city does not require a license. When the issue of ordinances is out of the way, decide the kind of chicken that you want and for what purpose. If pets are what you want, you would settle well with bantams. While chickens are sturdy birds, they are prawn to bacteria and diseases, many of which come from the damp ground. The chicken house should also be made of materials sturdy enough to withstand different weather conditions and it should have ample ventilation. Space Provide enough space for chickens. Chicken could be irritable creatures when the mood strikes them and that could be just about anything. 

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