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While experienced artists understand this, again a beginner may not. So it was worth mentioning as well. After the airbrush art tattoo is completely dry then you need to apply talc powder. The talc powder will help to absorb additional oily ensuring more life for the tattoo. An airbrushed tattoo should last for 7 days. The effects of airbrushed makeup are more natural but at the same time more dramatic than the use of regular make up. The application of makeup takes time and a lot of practice to be able to do perfectly. The human face is one canvas where an artist does not want to mess up. One must be sure of their abilities with not only the application of the right makeup but also with use of an airbrush to apply those makeups. With myspace you can create a profile that is dedicated to you as an artist. Upload pictures of your work and take the time to create a couple of videos as well. Create the videos so that they show you in the act of working on your airbrush art. Make sure to use good lighting so that your videos truly capture the art of what you are airbrushing. Micro airbrushing is also a valuable skill for an airbrush artist if they airbrush small model cars. By acquiring the skills needed to do micro airbrushing the artist can capture more detail in their airbrush art on the model car. Imagine being able to create realistic eyes on a dragon you just airbrushed onto the hood of a small model car? Beginners can learn about internal and external mix, paint feed systems as well as airbrush paints. Learn troubleshooting and how to take care of your airbrush. This is a very in depth 30 minute video that will teach a lot to a beginner when it comes to airbrush art. One video that is great for beginners that are interested in airbrush art tattoos is the SHOW OFFS BODY ART How to Airbrush Tattoos. All you need to do is find a design that you like and then trace it out onto paper. Make several copies of the design since you will be cutting on them. Also the airbrush paint will get them wet and they can start to tear. You will need to keep the original design so that you can refer back to it. After you have made copies of your traced design start cutting out the areas that you need to cut out. 

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