Working with an expert can also mean signing up for some private one on one lessons that will give you more direct attention from the instructor. This could give you a little bit more of an edge over taking a work shop where the instructor has many people to teach at one time. Once you have mastered your skills in micro airbrush art you will be amazed at the amount of detail that you can place in any airbrushing project. With airbrushed tattoos you can get rid of it with baby oil or just wait about 7 days and then it is gone. No need to go and get an even bigger tattoo to cover up the offending one or go through the hassle of laser surgery. To do airbrush art in the form of tattoos you will need certain products. First off you will need an airbrush gun, 10' Hoses braded hose, stencils, glass airbrush bottles and an air manifold. As you can see airbrush art can fit for anyone's tastes and needs. With airbrush art you can go extreme with fantasy art or murals of realistic scenery. You can go with bold colors schemes or subtle colors. The possibilities with airbrush art are unlimited and only limited to the artist imagination. Any scene, any surface and everything in between can be airbrushed. Beej Curtis also offers private 1 on 1 lessons for anyone wanting to learn in a more private setting. The private lessons are 3 day classes that will take you from beginner to advanced airbrush art techniques. If you have experience then start where you know and go forward advancing through airbrush art techniques. Experts believe that a primitive form of airbrush art was used by ancient civilizations. The method believed to be used in this primitive form of airbrush art was the use of a hollow bone in which to spray the paint out of by blowing through it. While this is a very primitive method compared to modern day forms of airbrushing, it does still work. This is a very in depth 30 minute video that will teach a lot to a beginner when it comes to airbrush art. One video that is great for beginners that are interested in airbrush art tattoos is the SHOW OFFS BODY ART How to Airbrush Tattoos. This video is on DVD and runs about 90 minutes. Through this video Donna Nowak will walk you through all aspects from equipment and materials to the application process.
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