Airbrush art applied to the fingernails gives a great flare to a manicure. The designs are only limited to the stencils in which the artist can get their hands on and the artists imagination. This form of airbrush art has become very popular and a lot of salons around the world are offering this to their clients. So make sure the paint you are using is safe for the surface you will be putting your airbrush art onto. Water soluble acrylic paints are used for airbrushing art onto plastic, metal, vinyl, wood, ceramics and cloth. This makes this type of paint the choice for airbrushing art onto your model cars or airplanes. It does not matter though if they have dry or oily skin you should apply talc powder as soon as the airbrush art tattoo dries. Airbrush tattoos do cost money and customers are not going to spend that money if their tattoo does not last for at least close to what is expected. So make sure that you take all the prep and post steps to ensure that they do get a great realistic looking tattoo. Her surfaces choices for her airbrush art include automotive and motorcycles and the body. It is her airbrush art on the motorcycles that has placed her in the ranks with other famous custom airbrush artists. Her airbrush art has been featured in the 2006 Iwata, the RM 2006 and the 2007 Paint calendars. In their starter kit they include 2 single action ABA airbrushes, 2 hoses, 9 glass airbrush bottles, a 2 outlet air manifold, 7 60ml airbrush tattoo ink in red, blue ,white, yellow violet, fuchsia and green and the kit includes a 120ml of black airbrush tattoo ink. The starter kit also give you 50 Vynalaser stencils that can be reused over and over again. Your airbrush will have a back lever as well that acts to shut off the air flow and paint flow when the trigger is released. If this should be come damaged then you could have serious problems with your airbrush. Don't worry though it is not hard to replace these parts should there be any damage. Your airbrush will have a handle on which you can hold onto the airbrush with.
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