In the moment when antibodies come in the contact with mast cells, they are changing structure of membranes and with that they make various chemicals. The main player in inflammation of surrounding tissues is chemicals known as histamine. Various are food allergy symptoms. They may be ranged from mildly inconvenient and up to total collapse of the body, followed in the worst cases with the death, but there are also and symptoms of food allergy which are known as anaphylaxis. There are several advices and tips which you may follow while you are choosing allergy relief product. Filters for Air Filters for air are good for filtering the air of airborne allergens, but still these product will not clear and filter air from dust mites allergens. It is because dust mites need to be vacuumed or cleaned. It should to mention that these substances are not harmful to your organism, but your immune system recognize them as dangerous, so try to beat them. First contact will not be so dangerous and your organism will not react as it will react next time. Next reaction of your body with contact of some of these allergens will be showed with the symptoms of allergens, such as: skin rashes, sneezing, swelling, itching, wheezing, difficult breathing, coughing, anaphylaxis or even in the worst case death. There are several natural factors which may cause allergy, so some of them are dust, pollen, mold as external factors which your body may comes in contact such as chemicals in food or food, dust mites or other. As the causes of the allergies are different, there are also and symptoms and signs of allergies are greatly different. As it is name said, food allergy is type start up as reaction of contact, but more after entering certain food on which you are too sensitive. With this sensitive it means that you have been already taken this food before. But, your immune system sees substances of the food as harmful to your body, so it attacks against the protein. Usually the symptoms are: swelling, itching of throat, nose, eyes, water eyes, runny nose, difficult breathing, hives, drop in blood pressure and in the worst cases death. Usually, the time necessary for reaction on the food, when it is about food allergies is from minutes to two hours, after entering food in your body.
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