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Valentine's Day Confession (MikuLuka)

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Of course, you are very familiar with all those love symbols scattered all over the place every February. But do you know the stories behind them? Read on to find out the origins and meanings of the different V-day symbols. Heart Heart reigns supreme among all symbols associated with the day of love. Easy Steps to Make a Valentine s Day Popup Greeting Card Next to Christmas cards, Valentine cards are the second most popular greeting cards in the United States, with more than one billion V-day cards sent every year. For sure, you have received tons of the same old Valentine s Day cards since you-don t-know-when. An organization, school, or college in your area may be organizing a free concert on February 14, so grab the chance to watch it with your beloved! 4. Have a special, candlelit dinner at home. Why spend hundreds of dollars for a dinner date at an elegant restaurant when you can dine at home? What makes V-day dinner at home all the more special is the fact that you cook and prepare the dishes yourself for the one you love. These have also been used to assure women s the menstrual cycles and are being used to cure diseases and illnesses like impotence, prostate cancer and other sexual disorders. Natural seduction For people who are looking for action on Valentine's Day, pheromones are a simple solution to experience the thoughts that are running in your mind. How To Look Good On Your Valentine's Date When going out on a Valentine's date, looking good is a major consideration because physical attraction matters especially on first meetings. If you want to look good on your date, it is a must to pay attention to your hair. Solving your mane issues is a major thing because hair is every person s crowning glory. Cupid is the mischievous son of Venus, the Roman goddess of love. He is otherwise called Eros in Greek mythology. Some time in history, ancient individuals thought Cupid is the reason why people fall in love with each other. They say the person pierced with Cupid s bows and arrows fall in love. That is why nowadays we have the famous maxim love at first sight. 

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