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Valentine's Day (2010) - I Hate Valentine's Day Scene (4/9) | Movieclips

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Qin Guan during the Song Dynasty in 960-1279 wrote a well-known poem, titled Fairy of the Magpie Bridge. This is one of the most prominent poems telling the tale of love. The celebration of Chinese Valentine s Day is largely different from the West s February 14 festivity. Instead of giving chocolates, flowers, and cards, the Chinese girls prepare fruits like melon and incense as offering to Zhi Nut to be able to gain high skills in needlecraft. For instance, an Anemone means dying love. A Daisy means innocence. A Lily is purity, Fuchsia is elegance, Poppy is consolation, Snowdrop is hope, Sunflower is warmth feeling, and a red Tulip is a declaration of strong love while yellow means hopeless love. A chocolate is another famous gift during this day. Aside from paving the way to easy access to almost any information, the Internet has become an avenue to connect people in different parts of the globe especially during special occasions such as Christmas and Valentine's Day. Paving The Way For Romantic Relationships One of the most popular means of connecting people through Internet is online dating service. Typically, women receive lots of them not only during the day of hearts, but also during birthdays, anniversaries, and other occasions. Why not surprise your beloved with a box of chocolates that form the words I love you ? 4. Clothes Clothes are always a good choice as a V-day gift because for sure, your special someone will need some additions to his wardrobe. Valentine s Day Traditions: Come and Go Different ways of celebrating Valentine s Day have emerged through time. It has created a variety of traditions that are practiced in varying countries. Some have been forgotten, some are not. The history of card giving in the United States has changed starting from the Civil War to what is practiced today. The most popular sites that offer free online dating include: 1. Book of Matches. This is one popular site that offers free online dating because the creators believe that online dating should be free, fun, and easy. This specific site combines the ideas of human and computer matching that provides real-time environment. 

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