This will also help emulate their natural habitat more and both types of fishes flourish well in the same water conditions. You can also include most peaceful and slow moving South American fish as well as Dwarf Cichlids with the discus fish. However, you just do so if the other fish doesn t compete for space and food with the discus fish. Although first timers will find it difficult to care for discus fish, you will soon get the hang of it and start taking care of discus fish easily. You have to remember that discus fish need very specific living conditions and diets. Many fish enthusiasts even say that beginners should not attempt to take care of this kind of fish as it will just frustrate them especially if they don t know what they are doing. These things will serve as a place to hide for your discus fish. Also, you have to remember that discus fish are quite sensitive to noise. So, you may want to put them in a place in your home where there is less traffic and less noise. Avoid putting your discus fish aquarium in areas in your home where it receives a lot of traffic, such as your living room. There are still quite a few things that you have to do to ensure that they will live a long time and save you the anxiety of having to buy new fish every time. The big news is, most fishes, including the discus fish, maybe even more so, develop health conditions because of stress. Although fishes are fragile as compared to other household pets, they don t really just die and wither if they are kept well. So, here are several tips that you need to remember in order to keep your discus fish happy and healthy. For starters, you may want to keep the fish tank clean. You have to keep in mind that discus fish are quite sensitive to disease and water conditions. And, they really won t tolerate sudden and large water quality changes. After you understand the basics of keeping this kind of fish, you will see that it s quite easy to keep Discus Fish in your fish tank. First of all, you have to see to the water quality. In most cases, poor water quality is often the reason why people have difficulty in keeping Discus Fish. When it comes to water quality, try to think where the fish originated.
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