Many hobbyists today already took them as pets as they enjoy watching these colorful fishes swim around the fish tank. However, you need to keep in mind that although these fishes are very beautiful, there is a trade off. You need to remember that taking care of discus fish is not that easy. Discus fish are high maintenance types of fishes, which are very sensitive to water quality and food quality. Porkhearts and beefhearts are suitable feeds for Discus Fish. For adult Discus Fish, you will need to feed them two to three times a day. Also, make sure that clean any uneaten foods as these things will secrete ammonia which can eventually increase the PH level. Remember these things and you can be sure that you will be able to keep your Discus Fish alive and healthy. You also have to remember that if you want to keep your Discus Fish happy, you have to keep at least 6 Discus Fish together in the same aquarium. The size and shape of the fish tank is also important. Discus Fish prefer a tall sized tank. So, you will want to get a fish tank that is taller than longer. So you need to have a very keen observation so that you will be able to truly determine the sex. You will need to be very patient and to follow the fish well, for those who do not know the differences between the male and the female, it would be very hard to discover its gender. Here are some points which can help you identify the gender of a discus fish. Some sellers have been found to be selling their discus fish in the northern region of 250 dollars. That is very stiff indeed, especially if you want to have more than one discus fish, and if you re going to breed them, then a pair would certainly be needed. But, if you want to have an aquarium full of discus fish and want to save money in doing so, then you would just have to breed them yourself. It may be hard at first but as you get more experience, everything will become routine and easy to do. The aquarium size is one of the most important things that you need to consider. Discus fish thrives in deep water. So, you may want to get a large tank that is both wide and deep. Discus fish can grow up to 6 or even 7 inches.
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