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3 Books to Transform Your Marriage #marriagehelp #marriagecounseling #marriagetherapy #marriage

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If that doesn't work, try some advice from your grandmother who has been happily married for many, many years. The three C's are essential in a healthy marriage. The three C's are communication, commitment, and compromise. Excellent communication skills are not only handy on the job. A person who can communicate well with you will make the best mate. Bills and Other Expenses Make a list of bills and other expenses. Include all utilities, newspaper and magazine subscriptions, gas money, rent or mortgage, etc. Even tiny expenses like lunch money for the kids and dues for clubs and organizations count. Help your marriage by listing in detail where the money goes. When a marriage is in trouble, the stress and worries about family life can infect all other aspects of living. Making the time to get the marriage help you and your mate need will not only ensure the success of your marriage, but also help to ease the other stressors in your lives. Marriage help comes in a variety of forms. For you, the spouse, you can gain insight into your religion and the importance of marriage in your faith. Marriage help is usually available from your pastor or elders who have been trained in such areas. In fact, the marriage help provided is at no cost or minimal charge. With the proper treatment for your spouse, the symptoms of depression or mental illness will more than likely improve. For these men, seeking marriage help can be overwhelming at times. Men tend to be less willing to sit down with a therapist or counselor to chat about their marriage issues. Marriage help works best when everyone is interested and comfortable with the process. Maybe a one-on-one session or couple's therapy visit isn't for you. With retirement comes many changes in a marriage. Couples may find they need marriage help during the transition from work and children to retirement and empty nest syndrome. Couples who previously worked full-time positions have cut back their hours or completely left the work force. Now, husbands and wives are around each other nearly all day every day. 

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