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Elusive Kenya Safari Holidays | World Holiday Vibes

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But the question still arises why other more graceful and robust animals were not included in the list. Why are not giraffe, being the tallest member of the animal kingdom is not chosen for the big five? Or the hippos and the gorillas, are they not large enough? Actually, the term big five was not given primarily to the five members because they were large or graceful or tall. When You Want to See Them ALL, Go to Kenya Safari Although there is a large market for competition with other African countries, Kenya still assumes its top place in harboring visitors from all over the world. Much of Kenya is usually deemed as safari, which in turn made it famous. Even before the birth of other countries to compete for tourist market, Kenya has already emerged as the pioneer. Though hunting is restricted in some national parks, local governments still assigned African hunting safaris where varieties of games are enjoyed but in accordance with ethical restrictions. Some common hunting safari animals in Africa are: black wildebeest, gemsbuck, red hartebeest, springbuck, waterbuck, bushbuck, zebras, antelopes, eland, steenbuck, rhebuck, impala, blue wildebeest, warthog, kudu and many other species. Not to mention the diversity of culture and traditions, people and norms that form Africa. It simply has got it all! Even the most amazing wonders that you can imagine may be found lingering in its rich and vast African safaris. East and Central Africa Mount Kilimanjaro Ngorongoro Crater countless plains animals prides of lion along with other predators are all found in these African safari regions. The rich tapestry of ecosystems is such that it would be hard to imagine how all things coexist in competition to live in a space so large. This safari park was the pioneer of its kind since it has already existed since 1889, the year when the first realization of endangerment of animals is conceived. Majestic animals that constitute the circle of life. You may catch glimpses of how wide range of animals, of birds and of living species compete for survival. You may either do this while riding an open safari vehicle or through other means of voyaging the safaris. To say the obvious, African lion safaris are found in their natural habitats which include areas such as South Africa, Botswana, Kenya, Tanzania, and Namibia. 

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