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CROWNS VS VENEERS - Which is best?

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The dental surgeon would then take turn to check the implant, put a temporary crown and restore proper function and state of the surrounding gum. There are currently dental surgeons who could really help out patients with problems that need surgical implantation of dentures. Such implants last up to 20 years on the average. We all know that in order to avoid further heartbreak and pain in the future, we must regularly and zealously go to our dentists every year and have our teeth checked and cleaned. But for some people, they need to do more than just take care of their teeth. They need to make sure that they have a beautiful smile. Another way to finding a great cosmetic dentist is to go to hospitals and check their cosmetic dentists there. Doctors inside hospitals are of course more qualified and more legitimate compared to those who have clinics outside. In looking for a cosmetic dentist, it is important you look into their reputation and their training background. Other than dental procedures conducted at a dentist s clinic, cosmetic dentistry usually recommends actions and medications that could be applied even at home. Proper and appropriate consultation must be achieved before taking any procedure to whiten teeth. The service is the cheapest, simplest, and most painless cosmetic dentistry procedure. The procedure also brightens the natural pigmentation of the teeth. The nature of the stains as well as the severity of the discoloration determines the degree of improvement after the treatment. When your teeth become brown or yellow due to coffee, tea, or smoking, stains will generally lighten four to five shades. If you want your smile to be worthy of a toothpaste commercial, you may have to undergo several of these procedures plus a lot more. And of course, you have to pay for each of the procedures. This is not the same as a cosmetic surgery when you only usually have to go through one procedure. With cosmetic dentistry, you may need several and each, as you well know, can be expensive. 

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