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Our Proposal ( we do not own the rights to this music)

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Alabama marriage laws require that persons under 16 years old may not be married, those between 16 and 18 may marry with consent of both parents or guardian(s) and a $200 bond. Residency in the state is not required. Also, a waiting period of 60 days after divorce is the only time restriction. There are no medical or blood tests required before marriage in Alabama. The place where you first met your partner is also a great proposal spot. If you want to add a little bit of romance, take your significant other to the place of your first kiss. You may also impress her that you remember the exact place of such an event, and reenacting the kiss can prove to be extremely romantic. Despite this being a characteristic of the cultures involved, it’s a situation that needs looked at when these cultures are living in countries where basic freedoms to choose are common for all people who live there, even those born into a culture that doesn’t, for the most part, believe this is right. You can decorate it with some personalized details, or provide them with a kit to make their own. A wedding quilt will be remembered and cherished forever, and can be handmade or bought tin the local crafts store. Wedding quilts can include romantic quotes, sayings, and the name of the couple with the wedding date. If you plan on having a religious ceremony make sure you follow all procedures, sometimes a priest will want to meet with the happy couple for counseling before ever performing the wedding. What is marriage like when it is legal? Some couples wonder if they should even make their marriage legal or just stay living together. Where many of us frown upon it and get angry at the thought of making someone marry someone they don’t want to marry, however we never really stop and think about the way the culture is. For many countries there is honor in the arranged marriage, their families are helping them choose whom to marry. 

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