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However, it seems that the coniers and biloba ginkgo plants have evolved separately from one another. One distinct feature of a biloba ginkgo plant is their leaves, which bi-lobe. Biloba represents the leaves unique characteristic. This entails a fan-shape, along with no midrib. Usually, the leaves run about five to 8 cm wide and resembles a Maidenhair's fern. The reason why maidenhair tree products are useful to treat tinnitus is because they have two vital components: vitamin P and lactone. Vitamin P is good to fight off free radicals because it works as an antioxidant. Lactone is good because it will rev up your protoplasm and you blood circulation will improve significantly. Due to the fact that the fertilization takes place on the tree, the maidenhair tree is an essential part of the natural environment for plants. Despite the fact that the seeds have a terrible smell, some people in Japan include the ginkgo seed as part of their diet. However, we need to mention that they do not eat the outside of the seed because it can be dangerous for men. Following this, one of the last ginkgo bilobas were found in southeast China, which led to the Buddhist monks responsibility of ensuring the trees continued existence. The scientific name for ginkgo biloba trees is ginkgoaceae and it belongs to the Ginkgophytes class. Many believe the ginkgo biloba trees provide a link between ferns and angiosperms (flowering plants). In the French and German countries, government agencies have already authorized the use of maidenhair tree by-products to tree illnesses like Parkinson and Alzheimer. In the USA, things have started to change as well because the pharmaceutical industry has realized that the tree has many beneficial qualities and has started to manufacture products containing ginkgo. Another thing that led scientists to study this tree is that after the atomic bomb exploded in Japan, the sole survivors were some maidenhair trees, in fact those same trees can still be seen in Japan nowadays. It is of public domain that Asian cultures know how to take care of their bodies, and one of the things they use in order to achieve their goal is a maidenhair tree by-product. 

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