Most people who are diagnosed with Type II diabetes are given medication instead of insulin. In most cases, a combination of drugs are used. These drugs work with the body to increase insulin production and make it easier for the body to eliminate glucose. Sulfonylureas are one of the most popular drugs used to treat diabetes. Symptoms of hypoglycemia include shakiness, anxiety, heart palpitations, sweating, dilated pupils, coldness, feeling of fainting, clamminess. These symptoms are triggered by the loss of glucose that affects the brain If untreated, a person with hypoglycemia can fall into a diabetic coma and even die from the hypoglycemia. This is why it is so important that someone with diabetes manages their disease with the help of a qualified ophthalmologist. Many eye complications of diabetes can be avoided if a person with the condition maintains a healthy lifestyle and is compliant in their diabetic treatment. Maintain your weight. If you have symptoms of diabetes, you should check your blood sugar level with your doctor. Although more definitive tests are needed to properly diagnose diabetes, high or low blood sugar can be an indicator that you should see your doctor to determine the cause of the abnormal blood glucose. Symptoms of diabetes can be frightening, but are easily controlled. Diabetics have a difficult time breaking down the sugars and starches and absorbing them into their system. Certain carbohydrates have higher blood glucose levels which takes them longer break down. By being aware of which carbohydrates rank high in the glycemic index is just one way to monitor the glycerin, which is the amount of glucose in the blood. They also get blood in their urine and, in the worst case scenario, they faint or enter into an episode of semi-consciousness, confusion which can even lead to a diabetic coma. In some instances, a diabetic coma can prove fatal. People who have Type I and Type II diabetes should be very mindful of which foods have a high glycemic index and avoid these foods in their diet.
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