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Why Plastic Surgery Is On The Rise

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The same is designed to remedy most of the skin and appearance problems of individuals to improve self-esteem and confidence. Cosmetic surgery improves natural beauty. Through several processes, muscle and skin fat are removed, reshaped and repositioned to rejuvenate, enhance looks and balance body size. When the lid muscles are already thickened, there is a possibility that a bag will be formed under your eyes. When eye bags cannot anymore be removed by other simple treatments, people resort to cosmetic eye surgery to remove eye bags permanently. By this procedure, the skin appearance is improved and bags removed for good. In this case, it would be the good side and the bad side of cosmetic breast surgery. What are some of the advantages of cosmetic breast surgery? Boosts self esteem and adds confidence. Women have the notion that having large breasts will; make them more desirable to the opposite sex. With media always showing off "boobsy" women, it is not surprising that there will appear an inkling for men to fantasize about these types of women. They re conscious enough that they want those unwanted marks to be removed on their body. But today, the situation seems to be outmoded, cosmetic surgery operation is dominant among men who want to have a change on how they look. They merely opt for a facial cosmetic surgery, like correcting the eyebrows, nose, lips, and even a total face lift. With innovative tools, the risks involved in the procedure are minimized. Moreover, the fear and the pain behind the process are also reduced. This is why those who are afraid of having cosmetic plastic surgery before are now more confident of undergoing one. The doctors performing the surgery are also more capable nowadays. Most successful facial cosmetic surgery can avoid or minimize the signs of facial scars. 4. Rhytidectomy- this is also known as face lift. You can avoid yourself from getting old. So, as years pass by, the signs of aging starts to appear on the neck and face. These include wrinkles, folds on the neck area and around the chin. 

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