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[ATTRACT WEALTH MUSIC] ★Feng Shui SouthEast Corner Energizer★

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You can find other tips in other pages of these articles in the practice of Feng shui and determine for yourself those that are directly applicable as it relates to scientific basis. For now though, Feng shui principles, will be discussed. To find your place on this earth, and how you relate to the forces and motivations that guides and inspire you, you will have to know the following: From your standpoint, determine the four main points of the compass and its four corresponding sub points. The best way will always have the classroom arranged in line with the zones that the bagua map indicates. The Feng shui compass should also be employed, as this will indicate the most favorable position according to the eight compass directions. The information that could be derived here will enable you to find out the best orientation of the classroom and its furnishings. He will tell you that everything has energy: objects, the air, the earth, all the elements, and even thoughts have energies. The person is one of the better sources of energy, too. A person's energy is a determinant of bad Feng shui or good Feng shui. What we think, how we react to things, the attitudes that we place on events and those surrounding us, they could influence what is beneficial and what is not. When the specific sheng chi zone is located you could start placing the symbols, colors and decorations that are appropriate to aid the chi in focusing its energies here. Use the bagua map during the determination of the zone and the elements that are to be allocated in the area. Remember though that in Feng shui, nothing is very permanent. Hence, European designs will tend to control their environment by dominating it, conquering it; sanitizing it and making improvements on it that are more or less unnatural. Aesthetics is the main theme. When it comes to gardens, the main practice would be to culture it and create displays of artificial beauty. They are in cemeteries, homes (particularly the entranceways) offices etc. The bagua is octagonal in shape to represent the eight points of the compass. This is so because the eight compass points represent the different energy levels that one is supposed to attract. In Feng shui, the bagua corrects the orientation of an edifice or a village and is supposed to enhance the quality of life of people living in it. 

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