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The construction of the reed greatly affects the pitch of the oboe through the differences in its material, variations in length and scrape, and age of reed. Other than the reed, humidity and temperature will also have effects on the pitch. The embouchure could be adjusted to cover for these aspects. History The creation of the trombone dates back more than six hundred years. Its original design was somewhat imitated from sackbut, an Old English instrument. The term sackbut originated from the French saquer which means pull and bouter meaning push. Trompone is the Italian for sackbut and this is most probably the basis of the word trombone. Parts The many parts of the sitar are the kuntis or tuning pegs, drone strings, tumba or gourd, baj tar or playing string, tarafdar or sympathetic strings, dandi or neck, parda or frets, gulu or cowl, ghoraj or bridge, tuning beads, tabkandi or face plate, and kaddu or resonator. Playing the sitar The instrument should be placed between the player s right knee and left foot with the left leg under the former. Introduction to the military It was first used as a military signaling agent on the 1750 s. The Hanoverian light infantry or J ger battalions utilized a half-circle copper horn with a flaring bore which was used by the leader called the Fl gelmeiste. The bugle was then called the halbmondblaster, literally half moon blower. The pair s difference in size also gives a difference in pitch. Castanets could be connected to the thumbs which is common in folk music or to all of the fingers which is expected in classical music. The placement of the castanets may vary depending on the music genre. A skilled castanet player has very swift movements with castanets which produce great rhythm counterpoint for dancing like the Flamenco dance or for accompanying other instruments. Crumhorn music is commonly played by a consort of crumhorns because of limited range. A consort of crumhorns is a cluster of instruments with different pitches and sizes. Crumhorns are meant to copy the vocal quartet with bass, tenor, soprano, and alto. It has pitches in F and C. The instrument has a naturally sharp sound that gives a good effect in the modern ensemble. 

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