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I OPENED a $3,000 WINE. Was it worth it?

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The Art Of Wine Tasting Even though many just assume that wine tasting is sipping, swishing, and swallowing - many are amazed to find that it s actually a bit more. Wine tasting is more of an art, an art that is used to distinguish the taste of fine wines. Wine can be a tasty and refreshing drink - if the bottle was stored correctly and aged properly. When stored in this range, the wine will develop quite nicely. In the days before refrigeration, wine was stored in underground cellars and caves. When refrigeration came along, it quickly became the easiest and most preferred way to store wine, as it allowed you to maintain the same desired temperature. Similar to the shine and splendor of the finest diamonds, sparkling wine emits a truly elegant aura and romance that makes it easy to distinguish from other types of wine. Sparkling wine was first discovered in France by Dom Perignon, who was a monk in the Champagne region. He actually stumbled upon this fine wine while performing his duties as a cellar master in the Benedictine Abbey. If you don t pick the grapes during the right time, your wine will suffer due to the level of increases in sugar and a lack of acidic extent. During the beginning stages of wine making, the grapes or other fruit is crushed by a large cylindrical container that will deflate the juicy parts of the fruit into large bags that are attached to the machine. If you look around on the Internet, you can find some great auction web sites that will allow you to sell wine. There are several out there, giving you plenty to choose from. When you find one that you like, make sure that you look at the prices and how things work - before you decide to use it to sell your wine. Wine that is stored on vertical racks are stored vertically, which means that the cork will dry out and eventually start to shrink, bringing air into the wine and ruining it. On the other hand, vertical racks can come in handy when storing wine for short periods of time, or wine that is best consumed young. 

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