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Supplement concerns for kidney disease patients: Mayo Clinic Radio

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Chitin is the basic structural element present in the outer skeletons of crustaceans and this has been found out by resources of Chitosan chemistry. Generally, NMR spectroscopy is used to check out the percentage of deacetylation in artificially prepared Chitosan. The deacetylation degree in commercially manufactured Chitosan falls in range of 60 to 100%. In this study, it was found out that test subjects lost eight percent of body fat and reduced cholesterol by thirty-two percent in four weeks. Secondly, there are various studies on chitosan which revealed that the substance lowers plasma cholesterol and triglycerides and improved the HDL cholesterol level. Chitosan Message Boards Online Today's most controversial and debated issue prevailing in field of medical sciences is the claims on the efficiency of Chitosan. It is worth mentioning that there are only few online available Chitosan message boards for such discussions. It is the most common and frequently discussed subject matter among professionals and experts in almost all Chitosan message boards. Today, Chitosan is manufactured artificially in laboratories in two forms. One is flakey type of dry form whereas the second one is liquid Chitosan. Chitosan is known all over the world as a simple substance extracted from chitin present in outer shells of crustaceans. Chitin is also found in exoskeletons of shellfish and is the second abundantly occurring polymer in nature. The system of how chitosan affecting blood lipids look forward to exposition. On the other hand, the system is almost certainly intermediated by the chitosan activities on micelle construction in the gut. It is actually the lipid carrier and as per a few experts, the varied micelles in the gastrointestinal area enclose free fatty acids, cholesterol and other elements. These significant medical studies on Chitosan show that this chemically made substance is not fully capable of improving the cholesterol profile. These differing results suggest that products based on Chitosan have capability of bringing slight improvement in cholesterol profile. Chitosan is considered as a good supplement used for weight loss. 

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