Teaching English will give you all the chances to hear Spanish spoken. You will have all the chances, too, of actually conversing in Spanish to those with real difficulties in the English language. The education is reciprocal and your immersion in the language is total and complete. Spanish music There are so many fantastic Spanish singers you may not have discovered. There are language learning tools available which can be used and enjoyed by both adults and children. These tools can be used by beginners, intermediate and advanced learners. Language-learning Software Language-learning software is often recommended to those who are interested in learning on their own time. Vowels The best feature in Spanish vowels is that they are pronounced only one way. In Spanish, the vowels have only one sound, regardless of whatever letters they precede or follow, or whatever accent marks are on them. The letter A is pronounced like the one in the word CAR. The E sounds like the E in BED. The tion and cion word endings Generally, an English word that ends in tion or sion usually has a counterpart in Spanish: invitation/invitacion, insect/insecto, occasion/occasion, information/informacion and excavation/excavacion. Words like politician and musician becomes POLITICO and MUSICO. Note that there are also many similarities between words in Spanish and roots or synonyms in English. Learning Spanish Random Tips Learning Spanish is not very hard, unless you have not been acquainted with some Latin-based language in your life (French, Italian, or even English) one way or the other. However, learning another language takes some real work however gifted you may be. This is especially true if you are past 13 or 14 years old. ) Be careful in using UN or UNA when referring to occupation. The articles A or AN are required in English but are not used in Spanish. You say, NO SOY MARINERO, SOY CAPIT N. (I am not a mariner, I am a captain.) A definite article is usually used for days of the week (singular EL and plural LOS). The correct way of saying I work on Mondays is TRABAHO LOS LUNES.
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