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Learn Spanish Phrases for Everyday life in 20 minutes.

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Spanish learning software programs have different categorizations. Some are about the basics, while others are dedicated to advance Spanish. There are also those that specifically focus on business, travel, education, and the likes. So before you purchase, figure first what your needs are. Only then can you narrow down your choices and choose that which best meets your needs. Correct are QUIERO OTRO LIBRO (I want another book.) and QUIERO CIERTO LIBRO. (I want a certain book.) Be careful in using UN or UNA when referring to occupation. The articles A or AN are required in English but are not used in Spanish. You say, NO SOY MARINERO, SOY CAPIT N. (I am not a mariner, I am a captain. Chat rooms are also good places to practice reading and writing with other Spanish speakers. Question: Any tip on better Spanish dictionaries? Answer: If you are starting out, a pocket dictionary is good enough. But you need to invest in a decent dictionary, a big hardcover dictionary if possible, as you go up in your class level. To get the best out of this activity, play any Spanish CD or movie or tune in to a Spanish radio station for 10 to 20 minutes and practice speaking whatever you learned. 2. Have a brief but frequent study time. This is much better than having a long but infrequent time for study, a research says. In other words, thirty minutes of study scattered throughout the day works more efficiently than when you study three to four hours in one or two days every week. Ignore the articles. Many Spanish learners usually end up confused with article usage and interchange el, los, la, and las. Although they know the articles by theory, they can t seem to properly use them in actual conversation. And many think this is forgivable. Yes, it is, and you can in fact still be understood when held up in this situation. Knowing and understanding a language definitely exposes one to the culturally enriching aspects of that other society. Staying competitive today means learning more about other cultures and being able to interact with them. Business opportunities Today, Latin America as a region is expanding their economies, and as such they become more and more important trading partners. 

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