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A damages needle can be disastrous to your ability to create high quality art, because if you are unable to straighten a bent needle back out or the needle should break completely you will not be able to finish your airbrush art until you can get a replacement. If you do end up bending your needle you can try and straighten it with either pliers. So when some one is fully visual and they want to learn something the best thing they can do is watch videos that show how to do something. There are some great videos on the market that will show a beginner how to do airbrush art. These videos are created by expert airbrush artists that will show you exactly what you need to know. In 1893 the world seen a more modernized version of airbrushing when Charles Burdick patent the first airbrush device. This device would be used for retouching photographs until around the 1920. During the 1930s airbrush increased when advertisement agencies jumped on the bandwagon to create advertisement of new products. Her videos will give you a more visual learning aid than you would get from the detailed directions in her books, so if you learn better from watching then the videos are your best bet when learning from Shanteau. Pamela Shanteau also teaches workshops around the United States that offer a hands on learning experience for airbrush artists. No matter what material you go with make sure that you remember to cut out your areas slowly. By taking your time you can make sure that everything matches up the way it should. If you are doing a stencil for say a dog then you would want to take your time and make sure that the eyes were the same size, the nostrils were cut out shaped the way they should be and so on. With airbrush art you can go extreme with fantasy art or murals of realistic scenery. You can go with bold colors schemes or subtle colors. The possibilities with airbrush art are unlimited and only limited to the artist imagination. Any scene, any surface and everything in between can be airbrushed. 

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