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Participants of speed dating events will go on a round-robin dating wherein they will be allowed to meet and talk to everyone of the opposite sex for an average of 3 to 8 minutes. Normally, speed dating events only cater to 25 or less partners in a single event. Anything in excess of that might be a little difficult to handle. The individual may find the one on the opposite end interesting but should not feel bad if the other party does not feel the same. Maybe the other person was looking for something else which is a fact of life. Speed dating in the city of Baltimore is not just for those who are looking for someone of the opposite sex. Events like these commonly take place in a nice place such as a nice restaurant or even a great, cozy bar. The atmosphere will depend on the organizers of the event. The event could have a formal, casual or party setting. Some praises speed dating saying that it is a far better place to meet new people than in bars and clubs. The practiced has evolved general acceptance and went across other borders, and continents, and became a recent global practice. Various places of interactions to promote the meeting of interested groups or individuals are open in clubs, restaurants, and other places of social venues where it is openly organized. The event works by having willing singles register at an 8 minute speed dating event to become a participant. Registration is usually done by age groups and area where you're in. A gathering of 20 or up to a hundred like minded singles is brought together at a restaurant or bar set up for such an event. The more popular companies that offer speed dating services organize events twice a month. You'll see bars and restaurants hosting weekly dating events which attest to how popular speed dating has become. How does it work? Usually when you attend a speed dating event, you meet people of the opposite sex who belong in your preferred age group and who enjoy pretty much the same interests. 

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