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The Mystery Flaw of Solar Panels

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Solar panels are also known as photovoltaics and are primarily used to convert light from the sun. These are made of energy particles called photons that are changed into electricity to power various electrical loads. Light from the sun is considered as a renewable energy resource that gives clean energy. Blindness from Solar Energy Another danger that could stem from using solar energy to power up your different gadgets and electronics at home is that it could cause blindness if you were to expose your eyes to too much radiation from them, just like staring directly at the sun for too long. Solar Energy Fire Hazards Since most solar collectors basically concentrate the sunlight that they are able to collect from the sun, it can be a fire hazard, especially since fire can very easily start if there were very high concentrations and levels of solar energy. However, there are still a lot of things that people do not know or fully understand about solar energy just yet, like what it is exactly, and how to use it to its utmost potential. In order for you to fully understand more about solar and sustainable energy, and what the future holds for it, you need to learn more about the history of solar energy. Solar powered cars have also risen in prominence as people became more aware of the several benefits of the renewable resource. You can save thousands of dollars in gas each month by choosing a solar powered vehicle. You have to know the different available features and inclusions first. Here are some more details on how you can get the best type. The first solar cells were made by Charles Fritts during the 1880s. Even though the prototype selenium cells converted below 1% of incident light into electricity, James Clerk Maxwell and Ernst Werner von Siemens realized the importance of the finding. After the work of Russell Ohl during the 1940s, Calvin Fuller, Gerald Pearson and Daryl Chapin made the silicon solar cell in 1954. There should be no corrosion whatsoever on the copper for the process. Wash the copper sheeting using water, soap and either a sponge or a towel. You should allow oil from your hands to get on the copper. Tower the copper until dry. Make sure that you do not touch it directly. Use tongs to position the copper on the hot plate. 

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